WordPress Websites

updated 7/3/24

We develop WordPress websites for small businesses and non-profits. We listen to your goals and design a website to meet your needs. Our websites are built on the WordPress platform with responsive themes.  A responsive WordPress website scales down well to smaller screen sizes on tablets and phones. More consumers use tablets and cell phones to navigate online; Google now penalizes websites that have mobile usability issues.

We optimize a website for speed before going live.  This can include rework of the images, lazy loading not handled elsewhere, caching plugins and more. We also register the website with Google Analytics for traffic and Google Search Console for search insights.

We have also completed WordPress websites that were left partially finished by other developers.  We develop a plan to get your website cleaned up and published as quickly as possible.

Please contact us today and we can get started.

Theme Recommendations for WordPress Websites

Some of our favorite theme builders are Divi from Elegant Themes and Elementor with Elementor Pro.  Both are innovative, flexible and well-documented.  They are also thoroughly tested on all platforms.  They work.

Our first choice for hosting is WP Engine.  Their technical support is superior to everyone else we have worked with. Backups are included and you can set an extra backup point before you make large changes.  They are smart with the plugins they allow and don’t allow.  Their servers are fast and reliable. Several websites with odd problems on others hosts are working fine on WP Engine. WP Engine saves the developer time.

We have also had good experiences with SiteGround and Kinsta hosting.  JustHost, BlueHost, HostGator and goDaddy are OK.  I do not recommend DreamHost, StartLogic or Network Solutions.  These are lacking in what they offer compared to other hosting providers.

Our security providers are Sucuri and WordFence.  They are wonderful at purging problems and keeping a website clean.

R3C Creations WordPress Websites